Monday, June 24, 2019

The importance of a quality System Definition!

The creation of a System Definition is not a tick box exercise purely to demonstrate compliance with the CSM-REA regulations. By getting the level of detail correct; the System Definition will prove to be the foundation to delivering a successful project.

By getting the level of detail correct in the System Definition it will do far more than bound the system against which hazard identification and safety analysis activities are to be conducted.

The following problems can all stem from an inadequate System Defintion being employed on projects:
> Lack of clarity or confusion about what the system is supposed to do;
Integration problems;
> Inadequate safety and authorisation activities; 
> Weak control of suppliers/sub-contractors;
> Non-existent or inadequate test and acceptance strategy;
> Inadequate costing and time-scale estimation.

A system definition that has had input from sponsor, engineering and project management teams will help drive a number of key activities helping to prevent the problems identified above:
> Systems Architecture diagrams and descriptions
> Requirements capture and apportionment
> Interface specifications and control documents
> Stakeholder engagement plans
> Approvals strategies

For details on how to find out more on our experience and how we can bring this to your programme to make sure as little as possible falls through the gaps please get in touch.

Sunday, April 7, 2019

Start early, and keep going!

It's great when projects begin hazard identification early; but it cannot be a tick box exercise and picked up again just before commissioning. We can help
It’s fantastic to come into projects that have conducted thorough system safety work early within their development. However, the management of safety is a constant exercise and not one that can be put to one side or picked up ‘as and when’.
Whilst not the most fun activity, hazard record (log) management is key. By managing your hazard record consistently (an even spread as opposed to peaks and troughs), compliance evidence can be entered throughout each stage of the project demonstrating to assessment bodies and review panels that hazards and their causes have been considered early and that safety has influenced the design process; either leading to hazard causes being eliminated as the design has progressed or mitigated through various safety measures being implemented.
To find out more please contact us via

Saturday, April 6, 2019

When Things Have Gone BAD!

Bringing in Specialist help when things have already gone BAD is a difficult (and costly) process. It doesn’t have to be this way

Specialist engineering support such as that offered by system safety engineers doesn’t have to be costly and on a full time basis.
By including a system safety engineer early in your programme and for short durations he/she can help keep a watchful eye on how design, installation and commissioning activities are developing and ensure all documentation required to gain approvals are up to date. This doesn’t always need to be a full time commitment.
This will de-risk your programme and take out A LOT of ‘hassle-factor’ as those approval submission deadlines approach. Putting activities related to specialist disciplines such as system safety in the ‘too difficult box’ will undoubtedly lead to last minute scrambling to find a resource who is available to help and has experience of getting projects the required endorsements.
And once you have found a resource, the intense level of effort required by the WHOLE TEAM to get the documentation and evidence to an acceptable level will very likely work out to be more expensive than had there been a part-time resource right at the outset.
Why not get in touch so we can provide some guidance on what your programme requires. To find out more please contact us via

One Step at a Time

Initiating, Planning, Executing, Monitoring and Closing. Step-by-step we can help make difficult planning and reporting activities that much simpler

Long term planning can assist in the critical aspects of project management, cost and schedule control, contract administration, claims prevention, and dispute resolution.
Our services are structured to establish an open and collaborative environment between all key parties to evaluate project planning and execution issues and facilitate the identification of solutions where conflicts exist.
We are well versed in all aspects of project delivery, from the initial planning stages down to the development of hour-by-hour programmes for large and complex commissioning shifts; also helping to ensure that the key outputs are reported upon to significant stakeholders.
These services can be provided individually or collectively at our client’s direction, and will be tailored to fit the specific needs of our client’s projects.
To find out more please contact us via



Don’t let #FakeNews become reality. We can help
The #rail industry doesn’t need another bad headline.
Our team’s experience of successfully achieving Authorisation for Placing into Service (APIS) from the ORR followed by several self-assured Entry into Service events through working with independent Assessment Bodies (AB) and the Network Rail System Review Panel (SRP) means that we have a lot of relevant and current knowledge on how to avoid these types of headlines.
It is this knowledge that we are also starting to impart onto other large and complex railway infrastructure programmes in the early design stages; getting the team aware of the timescales for, and types of, multiple submissions to come.
To find out more please contact us via