Saturday, April 6, 2019

When Things Have Gone BAD!

Bringing in Specialist help when things have already gone BAD is a difficult (and costly) process. It doesn’t have to be this way

Specialist engineering support such as that offered by system safety engineers doesn’t have to be costly and on a full time basis.
By including a system safety engineer early in your programme and for short durations he/she can help keep a watchful eye on how design, installation and commissioning activities are developing and ensure all documentation required to gain approvals are up to date. This doesn’t always need to be a full time commitment.
This will de-risk your programme and take out A LOT of ‘hassle-factor’ as those approval submission deadlines approach. Putting activities related to specialist disciplines such as system safety in the ‘too difficult box’ will undoubtedly lead to last minute scrambling to find a resource who is available to help and has experience of getting projects the required endorsements.
And once you have found a resource, the intense level of effort required by the WHOLE TEAM to get the documentation and evidence to an acceptable level will very likely work out to be more expensive than had there been a part-time resource right at the outset.
Why not get in touch so we can provide some guidance on what your programme requires. To find out more please contact us via

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